ICYMI: You need an email list for your business in 2019. As anyone who is on my email list will tell you, I am a big fan of email marketing. I probably email my list more often than I post on social media these days, and honestly, I’ve seen better results from email marketing than from any other channel. But, if you’re growing an email list from scratch, it can feel a little bit pointless at the start. You feel like you’re just emailing crickets and that nobody cares about what you have to say. So you put off building your email list altogether. The thing is, email marketing is actually such a powerful tool. Today, I’m looking at a few reasons why you should start building your email list.

Pssst! I have a brand new email marketing course – the 3-Day Email Marketing Kickstarter. It’s a step-by-step course to get you building a profitable email list from scratch, even if you don’t have a single subscriber, you have no idea where to start, and technology hates you. By the end of the 3 days, you’ll have created a lead magnet and a download page. You’ll have set up your email list and automated your welcome email. All that’s left for you to do then is to drive traffic to it, and voila! You’ll be growing your email list in no time.
Purchase the 3-Day Email Marketing Kickstarter here.
Why do you need an email list for your business?
Reason #1 you need an email list for your business: it’s free marketing.
Say you want to make some quick sales or get a new client. Yes, you could create a Facebook Ad, but that would cost money. Or you could post to Instagram, but the Instagram algorithm changes mean that not that many people will see your post.
Instead, you could email your subscribers. You know these people are already interested in what you do because they liked you enough to give you their email address. If you’ve been delivering them lots of value along the way, when you ask them to buy from you, they’ll already trust you enough to purchase from you. The best part? It doesn’t need to cost a cent. You can sign up for a free Mailchimp account, and you can use that to grow your email list.
Reason #2 you need an email list for your business: You’ll reach and engage more people than you will on social media
The average open rate for an email is roughly between 20 and 30%. To put this into perspective, the average engagement rate for an Instagram post is below 10%. So your emails are reaching a lot more people than your Instagram posts are!
That’s not to say you should give up on social media completely and just focus only on email marketing – but, everything just plays a piece in the puzzle that is your marketing strategy.
Reason #3 you need an email list for your business: It’s more personal than other types of marketing
A big marketing trend in 2019 is personalisation. Sure, people’s inboxes are cluttered these days, but there’s just something so personal about landing in someone’s email inbox, rather than as an ad on their Facebook feed or in their Instagram feed. You can also tailor it to include their name, so that makes it even more personal because it’s not just a generic ad speaking to everyone; it’s an email speaking to them alone.
Reason #4 you need an email list for your business: You can automate your email marketing
Once you’ve got your email list building process set up, you just have to automate so that you’re growing your email list on autopilot. This means you don’t really need to worry about where your new leads or your potential customers are coming from, and that can take a lot of stress out of running a business.
Reason #5 you need an email list for your business: You can validate and presell your ideas
If you have an engaged email list, you can use it to validate your ideas by asking them to register their interest for a future product or service that you’re going to start offering. That way, you’ll know whether it’s a viable idea or not before you spend a minute even creating it.
So these are 5 big reasons to start building an email list. If you have no idea how to start building your email list, click here to purchase the 3-Day Email Marketing Kickstarter.
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