A new way for service-based businesses, solo experts and course creators to...

Generate cash injections on demand

So you can take control of your cash flow, free up your time and grow your business a whole lot faster

Let me guess... You want to grow your business faster, but you're stuck in a catch-22:

You don't have enough time to do *all* the things that lead to income growth...

...But you need more income before you can invest in the systems and support that free up your time. 

How do I grow my business when I have no spare time and no budget to invest in it?

Let me start with the bad news: I can't give you more hours in your day (sorry!).

But I can give you the templates and tools to generate a cash injection every month, so you can invest in the systems and support to free up your time.  

Oof. It's a real-life chicken-or-the-egg scenario, and it's exhausting. 

You've tried the things that were supposed to free up your time—like calendar blocking, task batching, and different daily planners.

You've wasted countless hours trying to learn where to spend your time to grow your business. You've watched all the webinars. You've listened to all the podcasts. You've downloaded all the ebooks. 

And yet, there's still one big question floating around in your noggin: 

Small, regular cash injections mean you can reinvest in your business and grow it faster. With just a little bit of extra budget, you could... 

  • Hire someone to write, design and schedule your social media posts and weekly emails. 

  • Outsource the day-to-day admin tasks that take up way too much of your time (like chasing up invoices, editing videos or doing all the techy things).

  • Sign up for software to streamline your business and save you a few hours each week. No more doing everything manually just to save money! 

You could *finally* have the time to...

  • Start a podcast or write a book to get your message in front of more of the right people. 

  • Create an online course or finally launch that membership you've been thinking about, so your income is no longer tied to the hours you work. 

  • Enjoy a little time off or take a vacation so you have the energy, inspiration and motivation to put back into your business. 

Investing in systems and support like these creates more time in your week...

...Time you can spend working ON your business instead of in it. 

When you have more time to spend on the things you really want to do, anything becomes possible in your business

The bottom line?

The templates and tools for service-based businesses, solo experts and course creators to generate cash injections on demand...

...so you can take control of your cash flow, free up your time, and grow your business faster. 



Whether you're looking to sell more of your existing offers or experiment with new ideas, each month, you'll get a plug-and-play campaign to generate a cash injection in your business—on demand. 

Each month, you'll unlock:


Fill-in-the-blanks templates that make implementing each campaign as simple as "do this" and "do that".

(The exact templates vary based on that month's campaign, but you can expect email templates, swipe copy and scripts for communicating with your potential buyers) 

Done-for-you Campaign Templates

So that you're not left to figure it all out on your own, each month we'll hop on Zoom for a 60-min call where you're free to ask me anything about making more sales in your business. 

A Live Group Q&A Call With Me

Here's a sneak peek of what's waiting for you inside: 

That's a great question to be asking! Each campaign is designed to either test new offer ideas or experiment with new ways to sell your existing offers. 

Here's a little sneak preview of what's coming up in the next 3 months: 

"Errrr, but what actually ARE these campaigns?" 

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NOVEMBER 2024: Overcome your audience's biggest objection to buying

In November, you'll identify your audience's biggest objection to buying an existing offer, and you'll create a mini campaign that addresses it so that fence-sitters finally get off the fence.

December 2024: Launch a one-off implementation workshop

In December, you're going to sell a workshop to help them implement something in January. You'll get templates to sell it, as well as a guide for structuring an effective implementation workshop. 

OCTOBER 2024: Reverse engineer an offer that directly addresses a specific pain point

In October, you'll get templates to conduct audience research and uncover the most urgent pain points for your audience. From these insights, you'll create a brand new offer that solves this pain point in a creative way. 

Each campaign is designed to be plug-and-play, so you can implement it easily in your business to generate a monthly cash injection.

(It's almost like having a sales strategist working in your business, every month!) 

On top of the goodies you unlock each month, you'll also get instant access to...

Build Your Email List From Scratch

While social media followers can give you a nice ego boost, I'm a big believer that your email list is the most important audience in your business. In this mini-course, I'll show you how to build and nurture your email list, so you have a warm audience ready to buy from you when you launch your monthly conversion campaigns. 

BONUS Mini Course

Conversion Campaigns Clubhouse

AKA: The community space where you can share ideas, find inspiration and brainstorm with like-minded business owners. 

(It's in a Facebook Group to keep things simple!). 

The community

Join now

(Most flexible—cancel anytime)

Month to month

Join Conversion Campaigns

$49 USD/month

✅ 1 x Monthly Cash Injection Campaign

✅ All the templates, scripts and swipes you need to implement your campaign

✅ 1 x Monthly Q&A call 

✅ Bonus Mini Course: Build Your Email List From Scratch

✅ Access to the Conversion Campaigns Clubhouse

Join now

(Best value—cancel anytime after 3 months) 


$125 USD/3 months

✅ Everything that's included in the monthly option


✅ Save 15% by paying quarterly 

✅ Join me live on Zoom at the end of each quarter for a review and planning session 

I knew I needed to invest in support and systems to grow my business to the next level...

...But after I paid the bills each month, well, there wasn't a whole lot left in my bank account.

And if we haven't met before...

I'm an online business strategist who helps you build an online business that's profitable even when you're offline.

These days, my business runs like a well-oiled machine. One that's allowed me to enjoy offline adventures like travelling around Australia in a van, backpacking through the outback for two weeks, and skiing in the French Alps for a month. 

But when I first started my business—while still working in a job—I found myself stuck in the same catch-22 as many of the solo experts, course creators and service providers I've spoken with: 

Hey! I'm Steph —

When I discovered the power of running small campaigns for regular cash injections, I was able to start re-investing in my business. I hired a virtual assistant. I splashed out on the software that would save me hours each month. 

And these small campaigns came with the added bonus of keeping my ADHD brain entertained—my brain thrives on novelty, and this is one way to keep my business feeling fresh and exciting, without overwhelming myself with hundreds of shiny objects. 

Whether you're in your first year of business or your fifth, the ability to generate cash injections on demand puts you in the driver's seat of your business.

It means you can invest in the things you want to invest in. It means you can weather the quieter months in your business without eating into your bank balance. And it means you can start to buy back your time.

First up, this is NOT the right fit for you if: 

👆🏻 This is a fantastic question to ask, because I haven't designed them to work for every business. 

"This sounds great, but how can I know if these campaigns will work for *my* specific business?"

 Your business sells physical products only, is bricks-and-mortar (with no intention of selling online) or is an agency model. 

You’re brand new to business, and you haven’t made your first sale or landed your first client yet.

 You prefer to sit back and learn things, rather than take action and implement what you learn. Conversion Campaigns isn't about learning more—it's about taking action to make more sales. 

On the other hand, this is the perfect fit for you if…

✅ You are a coach, consultant or service provider selling your expertise. (Some of my favourite people to work with include nutritionists, designers, leadership coaches and brand strategists). 

✅ Your business feels like it’s growing at a snail’s pace, and you don’t know what else you can do to reach your goal of consistent $10k months quicker. 

✅ Your two biggest constraints are time and money—and you’re pretty certain that if you had more of either, your business would be light years ahead of where it is right now. 

✅ You’re finding it hard to reach enough people online, and when your audience *does* show some interest, you struggle to convert them into paying clients. 

✅ You’re feeling overwhelmed by all the ideas, tactics and strategies you could follow, and you wish a magic fairy would swoop in and tell you exactly where to focus your limited time and energy. 

Join now

(Most flexible—cancel anytime)

Month to month

Join Conversion Campaigns

$49 USD/month

✅ 1 x Monthly Cash Injection Campaign

✅ All the templates, scripts and swipes you need to implement your campaign

✅ 1 x Monthly Q&A call 

✅ Bonus Mini Course: Build Your Email List From Scratch

✅ Access to the Conversion Campaigns Clubhouse

Join now

(Best value—cancel anytime after 3 months) 


$125 USD/3 months

✅ Everything that's included in the monthly option


✅ Save 15% by paying quarterly 

✅ Join me live on Zoom at the end of each quarter for a review and planning session 

How is this different to Launch Magic?

Oh, you have questions? I have answers…


While Launch Magic focuses on building a long-term repeatable system to make more sales of your digital product, Conversion Campaigns is designed to generate smaller cash injections in your business in the short term, so you can invest in the systems and support that free up your time in the long term. 

I’ve already got too many courses, memberships and resources—and not enough time to implement them all!


I know you do. That’s why Conversion Campaigns isn’t about learning new things, it’s about *doing* new things. Instead of overwhelming you with monthly trainings you’ll never watch, inside Conversion Campaigns, you’ll find all the tools and templates you need to implement each monthly cash injection strategy. And nothing more. 

How much time will I need to spend creating and launching all these new offers? 


The first piece of good news: You won't need to create a ton of new offers! And the monthly campaigns will be a mix of new offers and new ways to sell your existing offers. 
The second piece of good news? Not every offer needs to take months to create. Not every offer needs a big live launch, or even a sales page. In Conversion Campaigns, I'm going to show you how to create and test your offers really quickly, so you can make more sales sooner. 

Can I try it out? Is there a refund policy?


Because you get instant access to the whole month's Conversion Campaign when you join, there is no refund policy. However you are free to cancel at any time before your next billing date.

Is there a minimum term or can I cancel at any time?


If you join on the month-to-month plan, you can cancel any time before your next billing date direct from your customer portal. 

If you join on the quarterly plan, you can also cancel any time before your next billing date—and you'll still have access to the content for the remainder of the 3-month period you signed up for. 

I have another question that's not answered here! 


Great! Send it through to support@stephtaylor.co and my team will get back to you with an answer to help you figure out whether this is the right fit for you or not.