This FREE LIVE TRAINING is for coaches, consultants, solo experts and course creators

How to Grow Your Business Without Burning Out

The Formula For 6-Figures and Freedom in 2024


15 January @ 3.30pm EST / 12.30pm PST / 8.30pm GMT

16 January @ 7.30am (Sydney time) 

Did you start your business for more time and financial freedom... but you're exhausted and frustrated because your revenue isn't growing as fast as you'd hoped? 

Do you spend so much time running your business that you have no hours left over to work on growing your business? 

Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the things you have to do—and you have no idea where to prioritise your time for growth? 

If you answered YES to any of these...

Then this training will show you exactly where you need to focus to reach consistent $10k months and create more time freedom in your business.  

Your top 3 priorities to focus on right now based on your specific Freedom Stage

Join me for this 60-minute masterclass and you'll uncover:

The mistakes that are stopping you from reaching your next-level income goals (and how to overcome them)

The 6 must-haves to scale your business to consistent $10k months without burning out

A super-simple trick you can implement right away to save HOURS creating your content and selling your offers

In the space of 12 months, I grew my online business from $100K to $1 million in annual revenue—without hustling harder or sacrificing my time. 

In fact, by creating a solid online business and sales engine, I've been able to take weeks off to hike around the outback with a tent on my back and be off the grid for a month in a campervan with my furry best pal, Archie.
I believe that a successful online business shouldn’t feel like you’re a hamster frantically spinning on a wheel but instead should feel fun, flowy, and fulfilling. 

And that's what I'm showing you how to do inside this masterclass together. 

I'm an online business strategist, helping you to build a profitable and sustainable online business that continues to grow even when you're offline. 

Hi, I'm Steph!

...And there's no shortage of free masterclasses, ebooks, podcasts and trainings competing for your limited time and attention. 

Here's the thing: my free masterclasses are some of the best out there. But don't take it from me—here's what previous attendees have said about them: 

I get it—you're busy...