Uncover the key shifts to sell your online course, group program or membership—even when it feels like the economy, the algorithms and your growing to-do list are stacked against you.

How to tweak your launch strategy to make more sales in a tough economy


Date and time:
13 June @ 6am (Sydney)
12 June @ 1pm (LA) / 4pm (NY) / 9pm (London)

Join me for this brand new 90-minute free training👇🏻

Date and time:
13 June @ 6am (Sydney)
12 June @ 1pm (LA) / 4pm (NY) / 9pm (London)

It was already feeling really HARD to build an audience on social media, and then Instagram went and changed the algorithm again. 

So many other people in your industry have been launching their own digital products, leaving you unsure if anyone would even pay money for yours.  

And with the cost of living going up, buyers are becoming more and more discerning about where they spend their money.


That's the bad news. The good news?

There’s still a ton of opportunity to grow your business with your online course, group program or membership…

…But the strategy behind how you sell your offers has never been more important. 

In the last 12 months, we've seen some BIG shifts in the online space...

Even though the economy is tough, people are still spending money. They're just being a lot more discerning about *where* they spend it—meaning that your messaging and content needs to show them why they need to spend money on your offer, right now. But if you're making any one of these big mistakes, you'll struggle to sell even the most valuable offer. 

The content and messaging mistakes that are limiting your sales right now

Join me for this 90-minute live masterclass and you'll uncover:

Spoiler: An exciting idea and loads of buzz? These things no longer work to sell your offers, because they were never a viable sales strategy in the first place. In this masterclass, I'll share the shifts you need to make to make more profit in your next launch—based on what's working right now, not what worked two years ago. 

What sells and what doesn’t sell in a tough economy

Guess what? You can share content that delivers value to your audience *and* sells your offer at the same time. If the thought of selling your offers in your next launch makes you cringe and you're worried you might turn your audience off, you don't want to miss this section!

The simple strategy for launch content that sells without feeling sales-y

Register for the free masterclass 👇🏻

Date and time:
13 June @ 6am (Sydney)
12 June @ 1pm (LA) / 4pm (NY) / 9pm (London)

I'm a corporate dropout turned online business strategist, neuroscience postgraduate student and host of the Imperfect Action podcast, which has more than 2 million downloads to date. 

The strategies I'm teaching you in this masterclass are tried and tested. They're the exact ones I've used in 20+ of my own launches and taught to more than 300 students inside my Launch Magic program. 

These strategies are also how I've built a business that's kept growing, even when I spent a month travelling around Australia in a van last year. Even when I spent two weeks hiking through the outback with no internet access this year. 

Join me in this jam-packed 90-minute masterclass and allow me to share my actionable strategies to make more sales in your next launch, so you too can create the freedom you dream of in your business.

I help you build an online business that's profitable even when you're offline 

Hi, I'm Steph

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