Bite-sized lessons in building an online business that feels good.
The Digital Product Kickstart Kit: Your guide to creating and launching a digital product that sells.
I help online entrepreneurs (like YOU!) launch and relaunch digital products and podcasts to reach more people, grow their audience and become the go-to geniuses in their industry
It's easy to get caught up thinking that your business needs to grow B-I-G into some giant empire. But what do you really want? The thing about huge business growth is that it comes with a whole lot more responsibility. In today's episode, I'm sharing more about my journey as my business grew and why it's totally okay to be happy with where your business is at right now.
– Why growing your business means you will have a lot more responsibility (and how that may show up for you).
– How business growth also means stepping up and into your personal growth too.
– Why building your business around someone else's (Instagram) vision may land you in a place you don't even enjoy.
– Why doing more is not always the solution, especially if you're already an overachiever.
– When you don't stop to recognise what you have achieved because you're already looking ahead to what's next.
In today’s fast-paced entrepreneurial world, there's an ever-present pressure to constantly grow and expand your business. But is it necessary to keep pushing for growth, or is it okay to be content with where you are? Let's explore this question by diving into the realities of business growth, the personal responsibility it entails, and the importance of staying aligned with your own vision.
With business growth comes a significant amount of responsibility—something many entrepreneurs don't fully anticipate. Reflecting on my own experience during a period of rapid growth in 2020, I realized that as my business expanded, my role shifted dramatically. Suddenly, my audience began to see me as a mentor and role model, which meant I had to lead by example.
This shift brought with it a need to embody the principles I was teaching. Preaching consistency became challenging when I found myself skipping podcast episodes or neglecting my email list due to overwhelm. It took time to understand that people were not just listening to my words but also observing my actions. This realization required a lot of mindset work, and at times, the fear of responsibility made me hesitant to grow further. However, over time, I became more comfortable with this responsibility and more open to embracing higher levels of it.
Business growth isn't just about scaling operations; it often demands a significant amount of personal growth. Even when you feel positive and confident, growth can push you outside of your comfort zone, surfacing fears and insecurities that you didn't know existed. This is where mindset work becomes crucial. It's important to recognize that if everything feels easy, you might not be challenging yourself enough. Growth often happens outside of our comfort zones, and navigating this discomfort is a key part of the journey.
It's easy to get caught up in the idea that you need to build a massive online empire because that’s what everyone else seems to be doing. But remember, if you build your business around someone else’s vision, you might end up feeling misaligned or even resenting the business you’ve created.
In my free workbook, Escape the Messy Middle, I guide you through an exercise designed to help you gain clarity on your business goals. This exercise encourages you to focus on your intentions and build a business that feels right for you, rather than exhausting yourself trying to meet external expectations.
For many of us, especially those who are overachievers, the idea of doing less can feel counterintuitive. We’re often more comfortable when we’re busy, equating productivity with success. However, constantly doing more isn’t always the solution to stress or dissatisfaction.
During a conversation with my psychologist, I expressed feeling stressed and immediately asked what I could do to make it go away. Her response surprised me: “You can’t do your way out of this.” This advice challenged me to sit with the discomfort of not always doing more and instead to appreciate where my business is today. Learning to be content with your current achievements doesn’t mean you’re being lazy or unambitious; it means you’re acknowledging and celebrating your progress while still enjoying the journey ahead.
One of the most exhausting habits in business is constantly shifting the goalposts. When I started my first business, I set a goal of making $10,000 a month. But when I hit that milestone, I didn’t stop to celebrate. Instead, I immediately set a new goal, and then another, always chasing the next achievement without ever acknowledging my progress.
This approach can leave you feeling like you’ve never really accomplished anything, even though you’ve achieved so much. It’s important to set a goal, work towards it, and when you reach it, take the time to celebrate how far you’ve come. Constantly moving the goalposts can lead to burnout and dissatisfaction.
In conclusion, it’s crucial to find a balance between the overachiever in you who wants to grow and succeed and the part of you that wants to enjoy the journey and be content with your current achievements. Remember, it’s okay to not have a massive business empire if that’s not what aligns with your vision. Focus on what makes you happy and fulfilled, and don’t be afraid to enjoy where you are right now.
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I help online entrepreneurs (like you!) to build a profitable online business that keeps growing even when they're offline.