Today, I'm diving into a question that I've been getting in my DMs quite a lot in the last few weeks, and that is people who are asking me, “Steph, can I just pay you to do my launch for me?” Or, “Is there somebody who I can pay to do my entire launch for me?”
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Can you pay someone else to do your launch for you? Short answer: yes, you can. It's going to be really expensive to outsource the entire launch, and that's not the big drawback that I'm really thinking about when I say that it's probably not the best idea for your business to do this. Because nobody knows your business and audience as well as you do. You can definitely outsource parts of your launch and I 100% recommend doing this as you grow. For example, I outsource parts of my copy. My VA helps. I have a designer who helps sometimes. I have a marketing assistant.
But as the CEO, you need to be in charge of your launch strategy or you need to hire a proper launch strategist to work with you. You can't just say, “I don't want to do this launch. I want to give it to somebody else to do for me,” and then not look at it and not have anything to do with it. Your launch strategist, if you choose to hire a launch strategist, they won't do the execution side because their strength is strategy. Some of the best copywriters I know are launch strategists as well, because there is quite a lot of skill cross over there, but they won't be the ones who are planning your launch, creating your content, putting it all together, setting up the tech. That's not their skill set. So I would be cautious of someone who says that they will do it all because there are a lot of different skill sets involved.
So when you're new and on a budget, I would recommend that you take it all on by yourself and you learn it in the context of your business. That's very different to learn how to do it in the context of somebody else's business. If you are figuring out how to do the strategy yourself, figuring out how to do the copy yourself, figuring out how to set up all the tech yourself, then when you start to grow that launch and when you start to decide to outsource parts, you are so much better able to brief the people you are working with because you know what to expect and you know what you need. So do you need a launch strategy? Yes, 100%. I've seen a lot of launch templates, planners, spreadsheets, checklists, all of that, and I spoke about this in an episode last week, I've seen them all floating around on Instagram lately. And the thing with a launch plan is, it will get you the launch as long as you take action, but your strategy is what will get you the profit.
And, no, you don't need to hire a launch strategist. You can absolutely DIY your own launch strategy. And that's why Launch Magic exists. I think a lot of people really can't wrap their head around what I'm teaching in Launch Magic that takes 12 weeks. And they're like, “Oh, but it's just for people who are DIYing their launches.” And it's actually not just for people who are DIYing every single part of their launch. Yes, I do teach the DIY side of it all for those who can't afford to outsource it yet. I have bonus tech pieces of training on how to set up the tech and I walk you through how to write your copy, but I also focus on the strategy. That's the main focus. So that if you choose to outsource all the other parts, you can brief the person you're working with properly so that they can do a really good job with it.
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