There's a big myth that I notice a lot of people buying into and that is that you have to have created your product before you can launch it. I want to flip that and say, actually, I'd prefer that you don't create your product until after you launch it if you haven't already launched it yet.
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Should I launch before or after I create my digital product?
Launching and creating a product at the same time is a heck of a lot of work and it can be done, but it's a lot harder than launching it first and then creating it. And I know that it's really tempting to want to create your product first and then launch it, but what you end up with is this deadline that just keeps on moving forever and forever into the future and you never end up launching your product.
If you start launching your product first, you bring in the cash first, which is beautiful. We want to have cash in our bank account so we can keep our business running. We bring the cash in first, you validate the idea before you've invested any time into it, and you create a deadline that you then have to follow to create that product. Once you've sold that product and you've got people committed to starting on a certain date, you have to deliver. And that is awesome, right? We want that because otherwise, it's going to be really easy to procrastinate. Even if you're not naturally a procrastinator, you might find that you're procrastinating creating a digital product because it feels scary. It feels unknown. You don't know what to do. You've maybe got a million other things pulling you in different directions and you haven't had that deadline to focus on just yet. Right? So what I want you to think about, is it more important to you to get your product out there so that you can start helping people as soon as possible, or is it more important that your product is 100% ready and perfect?
Waiting for your product to be 100% ready and perfect or waiting to feel 100% ready to launch a product if you haven't created it yet, is a little bit like waiting for the lawn to stop growing before you mow it, or waiting for your hair to stop growing before you get a haircut. It's never going to stop, right? It's never finished. And you're never going to feel 100% ready to launch.
And I know it feels scary to launch before you've created it. But believe me, if I can do it so can you. I'm definitely not special. I've done it a few times. I've launched quite a few products before I've created them, and it saved me a lot of time and energy that would've gone into creating products that nobody would have bought. So I'm going to leave you with that one.
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