I have recently niched my business focus down into launching – basically because I’m a big believer that launching things is a great way to grow your business.
Now, to clarify here – I don’t mean you always have to be launching NEW things.
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4 surprising ways launching can impact your business
How does launching impact your business? Other than monetary value, I bet you haven't thought of these other unexpected outcomes!
When I say you should be launching something in your business, I don’t mean you always have to be launching NEW things.
You can relaunch the same product a few times a year. You can open and close doors to new clients or new members or course students. Just because you don’t have something new to launch, doesn’t mean you can’t launch.
There are some BIG ways that launching impacts your business, and in this blog we’re going to look at those. Because I bet you hadn’t thought of some of these…
#1. Grow your audience – quickly
When I think back to all the times I’ve had big bursts of audience growth, it’s always been during a launch.
Sure, this is because I invest a bit into Facebook Ads every time I do a launch, but it’s also because the more people you have talking about you and sharing your content, the more people you’ll attract. And then you’ll get more of them talking about you, and it just snowballs.
There’s a big limiting belief a lot of business owners have that you have to have a big audience to launch things and that’s simply not true – launching is an EXCELLENT way to grow your audience.
#2. Get a deep insight into what’s going on in your audience’s heads
You can brainstorm and guess what’s going on in your audience’s heads all you like, but until you actually get out there in front of your audience and talk to them, you have no idea what they’re actually thinking.
The magic of launching is that you’re out there, showing up for your audience a heck of a lot more than you usually would – it forces you to get out from behind your computer screen.
You get to pay attention to what people are saying, why they’re buying, why they’re NOT buying (because that’s just as important) and you can use this information to make your product or service better, make your next launch more compelling, and ultimately grow your business quicker.
#3. Develop your authority
Back in 2017 when I launched my DIY Facebook Ads Course, Facebook Ads That Flourish, I was simply trying to solve a problem I’d identified – that so many business owners had too small of a Facebook Ads budget for it to be worth outsourcing their ads to someone else, but they had no idea how to run them themselves.
When I launched this course, I was creating a ton of content around Facebook Ads, and I ran a 5 day Facebook ads challenge.
The result? I became known as the Facebook Ads girl – which isn’t what I wanted to be known as!
Like it or not, launching is a really quick way to become known as an authority in your space.
#4. Discover a thing or two about yourself
Launching can be stressful, and it can bring up a ton of weird emotions. It’s definitely not comfortable – but that’s a good thing, because growth happens when you’re uncomfortable.
But, you also discover a lot about yourself when you’re suddenly thrown into uncomfortable situations. You’re forced to grow and learn.
For example, I always had this mindset that I’d never do a webinar. The idea of being live in front of so many people made me want to cry. But, in my very first course launch, which was a challenge launch, at the end of the launch, people were really slow to buy.
To try and drum up some more sales, I threw a last minute webinar. It was TERRIFYING and I probably sounded so nervous, but it worked so well and I got so many new students from that.
A launch affects your business in nothing but wonderful ways!
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