Having a business that gives you freedom means different things to different people—so what does it mean to you? In today's episode, I'm sharing how you can create more freedom in your biz with a helpful list of “do's” and “don'ts”.
– Why getting clear on what freedom means to you will help you to vision the business you want to create.
– The importance of being intentional with your business model and being willing to change it if necessary.
– What investing in your business really looks like and how you can make the most of the time you *do* have.
– Why becoming comfortable with discomfort is a necessary part of growth.
Today, I'm sharing some of the do's and don'ts for creating more freedom in your business. So keep these in mind as you start working towards that goal of creating freedom in your business.
Do’s and don’ts #1: Do get clear on your vision and what freedom looks like for you in your business and your life.
And don't let somebody else tell you what you should be doing, what you have to do, what freedom should look like for you in your business. You know, for me, freedom is having an empty calendar, having location freedom, and having the time and space to work on fun creative projects when I want to. But for you, that could be completely different.
And if you don't know what you want yet, that's okay. Maybe you just need to test drive it to see what you like and what you don't like.
Do’s and don’ts #2: Do be intentional with your business model, even if you're just starting out.
And don't rely on the business model that got you to a 50, 000 a year to be the same one that will get you to a 500, 000 a year or beyond in your business.
It's really relatively quite easy to build a business that generates 50, 000 a year. If you're doing like a one-on-one service, for example, but then to scale that to say half a million, you only have limited hours in the day. So you would need to potentially increase your prices by quite a lot because you can't add more hours into your day and your week. So you can't take on more clients.
Beyond that ceiling, you would have to change your business model. You would have to hire other people to do the work potentially. So go down that agency model, or you would have to look at ways that you can help your audience in a one-to-many offering, right?
So from the start, get really intentional what offers does your business sell and how are these going to be aligned with your vision for your business? And then how does that allow you to scale and still give you freedom in your business?
Do’s and don’ts #3: Do invest in systems and support and software and don't keep doing everything yourself simply because you can do it.
This one took me a long time to wrap my head around, but now I think about it, is this the best use of my time? And if it's not, then potentially somebody else on my team can do it. And then when you spend your time on the things that are laying the foundations for long-term growth in your business, it means that you can grow a whole lot faster.
You can create that freedom you want in your business a whole lot faster. Now, systems and support are non-negotiable in a business that doesn't fall apart when you are offline. You can't run a business and expect to have that freedom where you can step away and be offline without having systems and support in there.
And I see many business owners questioning whether they should invest a hundred dollars a month. In some software that's easily going to save them 10 hours a month. And if you value your time at more than 10 an hour, then it's kind of a no-brainer, right? But it is this chicken or egg situation where you're like, well, I'll invest a bit more when my business is making more money, but unfortunately, you need that extra 10 hours so that you can put the work in that's going to make you the money in your business.
Do’s and don’ts #4: Do realise that what got your business here won't be what gets it to the next level.
And don't keep doing more of the same things, hoping that they're going to just lead to the freedom and the growth that you want in your business, because the things that you have done that have got you to this point where you don't have freedom in your business, they're probably not going to be the things that create freedom, right? Doing more of them isn't going to help you to create more freedom.
So instead, what needs to change before something can change in your business? Because there's never going to be this point where we can just keep doing more of the same thing. Constantly, as we get to each new level, we need to start thinking, okay, great. This is what's worked to get me here. What needs to change? What needs to shift so that I can get to where I want to be the next place?
Bonus tip:
And then the last do and don't is to learn to delegate and trust your team and don't try to control everything. And this one is easier said than done. I know, I struggled with this one as well, but I've realised that now.
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