I love that every year I learn so much new stuff about running my business. And I think that if I ever stop learning new things, it's probably time for me to give up and start a new business. Every year, it's like all of these new lessons hit me in the face. And it's great because I kind of like that they're spread out over the years as well.
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I'm glad that I didn't learn all of this in year one because I probably would've freaked out and given up on business altogether, because I don't think I would've been able to handle that.
5 lessons I learnt from running my business this year
Lesson 1: Executing rather than overthinking
If it doesn't work, great, you have something to work with. You can adjust it and you can try again. I think about a workshop that I ran earlier this year. It was something I'd been wanting to teach for ages as a course, but I just didn't have the time to create a course and I wanted to get it out there. So I launched it as a live workshop. I taught it live. I created it a little bit scrappy. Right? I got scrappy and I just made it. And people loved it. And now I know, great. That's going to make an awesome course for me to launch in 2022.
Lesson 2: There's always going to be something that you are afraid of
This usually highlights where that next level of growth is. So for me, one of the big things I was afraid of was starting to really invest more into Facebook ads for my Launch Magic launches, because there's always that fear of like, oh, what if I put money in and the launch doesn't go as planned and people don't buy? That fear doesn't really ever go away, but it's also the … It's a sign for me that I need to do what's uncomfortable to grow. Same with hiring my first permanent team member. That felt really uncomfortable. But at the same time, oh, I know that's exactly what my business needs to get to that next level.
Lesson 3: The difficulty of having two businesses and running them both at the same time
This one was a little bit of a no brainer, but I didn't quite realize the extent of it. The third thing I learned is that it's really difficult to have two businesses and run them both at the same time. So halfway through the year, I bought a second business. Luckily, it was already established. It wasn't really making any money though. So I had to get in there and I had to start implementing some ways for it to make money. And I noticed very easily that my focus was quite scattered between the two businesses. So I've had to be really structured. I know my second business isn't making as much money as my current business. So I know, okay, that business gets worked on in the evenings or on the weekends or wherever I can squeeze it in, in between working on my main business.
I can't give both of them 100% attention. So I have to allocate the time to focus on each one. Otherwise, I would be constantly flipping backwards and forth between both and not really getting anywhere with either of them.
Lesson 4: You can't Google what you don't know
This is the value for in paying for courses and coaches, right? It's easy to think, oh, I'll just Google it. I'll figure out how to do it on my own. But if you don't know what to Google, you can't really figure it out on your own.
Lesson 5: If it is aligned, the universe will make it happen
Or if you don't believe in the universe, you will make it happen. It will fall into place. It will happen. If it's aligned, it will happen somehow. And if it's not aligned, something better might happen. I think about when I was looking to buy a house earlier this year and all of the houses that I put offers in on were rejected, or they came back with counter offers that were way above my budget. And I realized, oh, okay, this sucks. House buying's really difficult. But then when I finally found the right house, the one that I ended up buying, the one that I'm in now, I suddenly realized I'm so glad that none of those other offers were accepted because I got the house that I wanted. So the universe will make it happen. If it's aligned and if it's not happening, maybe it's just not the right time or it's not the right thing yet.
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