Anyone who runs a business will agree that running a business changes your life. This blog piece is about the realities of building and scaling a business – because it’s a million times harder than you think it’s going to be. Here are 5 ways my business has changed my life.
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5 ways owning my own business has changed my life
This isn’t a marketing-related blog. It’s more about the realities of building and scaling a business – because it’s a million times harder than you think it’s going to be.
And, sometimes it looks like everyone else has it SO together, and you’re the only person who doesn’t.
I started 2019 thinking it was going to be my year, and honestly? I’m not loving it so far.
And I know that sounds incredibly ungrateful of me because I’ve had some amazing opportunities, I’ve done some awesome things so far this year and my business has grown a lot.
But something I’ve noticed is that there’s so much pressure to look like you’re killing it all the time. And some business owners are afraid to put their hand up and say, hey, I’m really struggling over here. So, this is me saying, 2019 has been a real struggle.
Despite what it might look like on social media, I’m actually a pretty private person. I’m a big believer in keeping my business life and my personal life separate, which is easier said than done when your business is built around your personal brand.
This blog is incredibly difficult for me to put into words, but I hope that if anyone else is going through a bad time, you’ll know you’re not alone and that none of us have this business thing figured out.
So, here are some of the ways my business has changed my life – both for better, and for worse. Before I get stuck in, here’s a little secret I’ve figured out along the way: It doesn’t get easier, you just get tougher.
How my business has changed my priorities
Before I started a business, my priorities were fashion and parties. Literally all my money went to buying new clothes or going out on the weekend. Oh, and food – but that one hasn’t really changed much.
But, when I started my first business, my priorities had to shift – my priorities became staying in and working, and saving as much money as I could. And I was fine with this because I could see the bigger picture of what I was working towards.
This was definitely a good change, because it forced me to grow up, but it also meant making sacrifices.
I’ve fallen out of touch with a few friends since launching my business – and some of that is because I don’t have as much free time, so I’m more selective about who I spend my time with.
And a few other friends I’ve found I no longer have anything in common with – these were mostly the ones I just went partying with.
On the flipside, I’ve made some incredible friends who also have businesses. Working in a co-working space, I’m pretty lucky to be surrounded by people who are talented, driven and understand the ups and downs of running a business.
Speaking of ups and downs…
My business has built up my resilience
Running a business by yourself can be incredibly challenging, and that’s on a good day.
But, along with each challenge, you get better at dealing with said challenges.
The things that used to make me curl up in bed and cry now seem so insignificant.
I honestly think running a business has made me incredibly resilient. I’ve recently been going through a tough, non-business related situation and a few years ago it would’ve completely broken me – but I’ve actually been able to push through it and keep trucking.
I actually surprised myself with how tough I’ve become.
How my mindset has changed around money
I’d love to say that starting a business has taught me to be better with my money or to save more or whatever, but I’m still terrible at this.
But, what it HAS taught me is that there will always be unexpected expenses you should budget for. There will be times when you have nothing in your bank account – and you just have to keep faith that the money will show up.
I’ve been doing a lot of work on my money mindset and it has been a game-changer for my business.
Keeping my motivation and discipline working in my business
I’ve always been very goal-oriented – ever since I was in school, I’ve been great at setting the next goal and ticking it off. A big part of why I started my first business is that I ticked off all of the goals I had set, and I needed something bigger to aim for.
But, at the moment my goals are all quite big and seem so far away – and I’ve found my motivation waning, because I can’t see the end. I’ve lost sight of the prize.
And, because I work for myself, there’s nothing stopping me from going home at lunchtime and spending the afternoon having a nap and doing a jigsaw puzzle or reading a book.
While this isn’t a bad thing to do every once in a while, it’s taken a lot of self-discipline to not do this every day. Seriously – that’s how low my motivation has been lately.
Granted, some of the lack in motivation is probably because of the other stuff that’s been going on, but it’s really tough being disciplined all the time.
It’s something I’ve definitely got better at though – you really have no choice when you don’t have a boss sitting there, looking over your shoulder and making sure you’re at your desk until 5 o’clock.
Anyway, that’s it from me for now. I’d love to know – how has YOUR business changed your life? Send me a DM on Instagram or share a quick Instagram Story video, or leave a comment for me here.
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