Lessons in launching and online marketing


Today I’m answering a question from one of my long-standing students who is torn between scaling her current offers or creating new offers to service her existing community. In today’s episode, I’m sharing some of the pros and cons around this important decision as well as offering a couple of alternatives. – How scaling one […]

Ask Steph: Should I continue with my current offers or create something new?

Ask Steph: Should I continue with my current offers or create something new?
June 26, 2024

The foundations for building a sustainable online business may not look as shiny or as exciting as other things—but they *are* essential for running a business that continues to grow, even when you step away from your laptop screen. In today’s episode, I’m sharing the 3 key elements for a sustainable business that gives you […]

3 key elements for a sustainable business that gives you the freedom you crave

June 24, 2024

Today I am coaching Steven, who is the co-owner of a software platform for coaches. The challenge he faces today is how to replace his freelance corporate job with two complementary online revenue streams when he isn’t sure what to do first. In this episode, we talk about how he can spend more time building […]

Coaching Call: What would be the fastest way to become financially free without my freelance job in the corporate world?

June 21, 2024

“Prior to Launch Magic, I thought you just had a little cart button on your website and people would just press “buy”. I had no idea that you had to take them through a journey before they would be ready to buy”. Sound familiar? This is soooo common! In today’s episode, I’m asking the big […]

Why building an online business is not a linear journey: Behind the scenes with Launch Magic students

Why building an online business is not a linear journey: Behind the scenes with Launch Magic students
June 19, 2024

Christine Corcoran is a business mindset master coach. She’s a high ticket sales strategist, speaker, podcast host, and she’s the creator of Thrive, Retreat and Elevate and Next Level Masterminds. In today’s episode, we talk about how Launch Magic has helped her launch her offers over and over again, learning each time. – How launching […]

How to learn from each launch to grow your sales faster (with Christine Corcoran)

June 17, 2024

Even though the economy is tough, people are still spending money. They’re just being a lot more discerning about *where* they spend it—meaning that your messaging and content needs to show them why they need to spend money on your offer, right now. In today’s episode, I’ll help you uncover the key shifts to sell […]

(Masterclass) How to tweak your launch strategy to make more sales in a tough economy

(Masterclass) How to tweak your launch strategy to make more sales in a tough economy
June 14, 2024

I’m an ex corporate square peg who has found my home outside of the round hole in educating and guiding online entrepreneurs in the art of intentional (and fun!) launches so they can achieve more impact, create more profit and foster more freedom in their business. 

Through my signature framework, I help brands launch and relaunch their offerings to reach more people, grow their audience and become the go-to geniuses in their industry

Hi, I'm Steph

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