Lessons in launching and online marketing


Most online businesses go through periods of low cash flow. So knowing how to generate cash on demand is a super useful skill to help you get back on track. In today’s episode, I’m sharing 5 ways you can boost your cashflow when you’re needing a quick cash injection. – How creating a quick cash […]

5 ways to generate cash on demand in your business

5 ways to generate cash on demand in your business
July 10, 2024

Christine is a certified pilates instructor who has a membership platform teaching online pilates. She’s also a member of my new Conversion Campaigns membership. In today’s episode, we talk about a new offer she successfully launched to her community, despite having no business or marketing background. – The benefits of creating a cash injection into […]

How testing a new offer led to 19 sales without a massive launch (with Christine Kirkland)

July 8, 2024

There’s a lot of fear out there in the online space right now that says “no-one is buying” because of the economy. But it’s normal for the economy to ebb and flow—that’s nothing new. What’s even more important when it comes to cashflow in your business is how you’re showing up and selling your offers. […]

9 reasons you’re not making enough sales right now (and no, it’s not the economy)

9 Reasons You're Not Making Enough Sales Right Now (and No, It's Not the Economy) In the current business landscape, especially for Australian businesses, there's a noticeable sentiment that sales are slow. While economic fluctuations are normal, they aren't the sole reason your sales might be down. The way your business presents itself, and how you as the face of the business show up, can significantly impact sales. Here are nine common mistakes that might be holding you back from making sales. 1. Not Showing Up and Selling Enough One of the biggest mistakes is not showing up and selling to your audience consistently. Simply hoping potential customers will stumble upon your website and make a purchase is limiting your sales potential. You need to actively engage with your audience, whether through social media, email, or other platforms that resonate with you and your audience. Selling should be seen as presenting solutions to problems your audience faces, and if some unsubscribe, they likely were never going to buy anyway. 2. Not Testing Different Offers and Selling Methods You need to experiment with different offers and ways of selling them. This might mean re-packaging existing offers with new bonuses or delivering services in a new format, like transitioning from one-to-one coaching to group sessions. It's about finding new ways to engage and convert your ideal clients. 3. Lacking Creativity in Your Offers If you’re just copying what others in your industry are doing, you might miss out on opportunities to stand out. Instead, consider what excites you and how you can uniquely serve your audience. Creativity in your offerings can differentiate you from the competition and better meet your audience's needs. 4. Not Being Creative with Your Selling Approach Relying on traditional selling methods can become stale and ineffective over time. Your audience’s needs and behaviours evolve, so your selling strategies should too. Whether it's trying out webinars, new bonuses, or different sales processes, testing new approaches can yield better results. 5. Limiting How You Help Your Audience If you only have one main offer, your audience can only purchase from you once. Expanding your range of solutions can encourage repeat business and deepen your impact. Consider additional offers that address various needs or problems your audience faces, ensuring they return for more value. 6. Focusing Solely on Reaching New People While reaching new audiences is important, nurturing your existing audience can be more fruitful. Serving your current followers in new and better ways can lead to stronger loyalty and repeat sales, even if your audience is small. 7. Confusing Selling with Marketing Marketing builds visibility and trust, while selling converts that trust into purchases. A solid sales process guides your audience through decision-making, offering them the necessary information to invest in your products or services. Effective selling requires more than just visibility; it requires a structured approach to convert interest into action. 8. Relying on One or Two Income Streams Having only a couple of income streams is risky. Diversifying your revenue sources can protect your business from downturns. Experiment with different offers, affiliate income, or paid speaking engagements to create a more resilient business model. 9. Not Adapting to Your Ideal Client's Current Needs Your ideal client's needs are constantly changing. What they needed a few years ago might not be relevant today. Continuously assess and adapt to what your clients need right now, whether through new offers or selling strategies. This adaptability can keep your business aligned with your audience's evolving demands.
July 5, 2024

Having the ability to generate cash injections on demand means you’re in control of the cashflow in your business—and that the slower months can be a little less slow as you begin to realise that you can always bring in some sales if you need to. In today’s episode, I’m sharing 5 ways you can […]

5 ways to boost your sales by generating cash on demand

EP 688 - 5 ways to create a cash injection when sales are slower than usual
July 3, 2024

Riding the income roller coaster can be a challenge when it comes to online business. Some try to solve this by rebirthing an offer into a different format, however, this isn’t always the solution. So, in today’s episode, I’m sharing some other options to help you to ride that wave in your business. – The […]

Struggling to make a consistent income? When turning your 1:1 offer into an online course isn’t the solution

Struggling to make a consistent income? When turning your 1:1 offer into an online course isn't the solution
July 1, 2024

Is it really true that the riches are in the niches—and that the smaller the niche, the better? There may be times when your business could benefit from accessing a larger niche. So, in today’s episode, I am sharing how you can know that it’s time to “un-niche” (go broader) in your business. – The […]

How niche is too niche? 2 ways to “un-niche” your business

June 28, 2024

I’m an ex corporate square peg who has found my home outside of the round hole in educating and guiding online entrepreneurs in the art of intentional (and fun!) launches so they can achieve more impact, create more profit and foster more freedom in their business. 

Through my signature framework, I help brands launch and relaunch their offerings to reach more people, grow their audience and become the go-to geniuses in their industry

Hi, I'm Steph

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