Some days, writing your social media posts feels a bit like squeezing that last little bit of toothpaste out of the tube. If you're just not feeling inspired, you're going to struggle to write good social media posts – and your followers will be able to tell. So, here are 7 social media post ideas for those days when you don't know what to post.

7 social media post ideas that are sure to grab attention
I think we can all relate to feeling stuck with our social media content sometimes. We all have days when we’re feeling super inspired, and then days when we’re just not feeling it at all.
The key to social media success is consistency, so it's important to keep consistently showing up for your audience – even on those days when you don't feel like it. Here are 7 social media post ideas that are sure to boost your Instagram engagement, so that the next time you're feeling stuck, you can simply steal one of these social media thought-starters to get you inspired.
Social media post idea #1: What’s something cool you’re working on right now?
Maybe you’re in the middle of developing a new product, or you’re brainstorming some ideas for an epic client, or you're in the process of launching a podcast. Whatever it is, tell us about it.
Share the process with us, or give us hints about what we can expect to see when it’s finished.
You could even take it one step further and tell us to pop over to your Instagram Stories for a behind-the-scenes look at the creation process.
Social media post idea #2: Why did you start your business?
This is something you should be sharing with your audience for sure – and not just on social media. There’s a reason why you started your business, just like there's a reason why I decided to take the leap out of corporate stability and into entrepreneurial insecurity.
For me, that reason was that I craved the freedom to travel. I wanted to see more of the world than my 4 weeks of annual leave would allow me to.
Maybe you started your business because you were frustrated with a problem in your space, or maybe you were sick of being treated badly by a terrible boss. Whatever it is, it’s a big part of your business story, so tell us about it.
Social media post idea #3: What’s a big myth or misconception in your industry that you’d like to dispel?
Maybe there’s someone dodgy in your space who is using scare tactics to get people to buy from them. Or, maybe people have been buying into a big myth and you’d like to educate them on the facts.
Doing this is a great way to position yourself as an expert or an authority on the subject – just be careful if you’re naming and shaming people in your industry, as it can damage your reputation or get you into trouble.
Social media post idea #4: What’s a big mistake you’ve made, but that you’ve learned from?
We’ve all made mistakes, especially in business. Show me a business owner who hasn't made a mistake and I'll show you a liar.
The thing is: You can pretend the mistake didn't happen, or you can embrace it, laugh about it and take the lessons on board. We’re only human and our customers and clients can’t expect us to be perfect all the time.
So, tell your followers: What’s a mistake you’ve made? How has it helped turn your business into what it is today?
Social media post idea #5: What’s a trend in your industry at the moment that you love or hate? Why?
Trends come and go in most industries – love it or hate it. So, tell us: What’s everyone buying into at the moment? Do you love it or do you hate it? And why? Do you think this trend is here to stay or do you think it’s just a quick fad?
Social media post idea #6: What have you read recently that you think your audience might find useful?
Maybe it’s a book, maybe it’s a quote. Either way, I’m sure you’ve read something that someone else would love to know about. Maybe it's something unusual, or something that might spark a conversation.
Whatever it is, tell us about it. Then, ask your followers to tell you about what they’ve read recently.
Social media post idea #7: Tell us about a happy customer or client.
Maybe you achieved some epic results for a client, or a customer has shared a great review of your product on social media. Maybe you've got a great client story to share, or some before-and-after photos of a customer.
Whatever it is, tell us about it! This is social proof in action and it’s a great way to get people who are on the fence to convert into paying customers or clients.
So, there you have it: 7 social media post ideas to spark inspiration. Now, get posting!
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