I'm an introvert and I also used to be very, very afraid of putting myself out there. I loved hiding behind the anonymity that an online business gave me. But what I realized was that using the introvert excuse as a way to keep hiding was really holding my business back. Now, being an introvert or an extrovert doesn't necessarily mean you're more or less shy or confident or whatever, right? It simply means that you either lose energy or you gain energy from interacting with other people. Now I definitely lose energy most of the time when I'm interacting with people, like I will leave catch-ups with people feeling a lot more tired than if I had just spent an hour or two reading a book by myself. That's just who I am, and that's how I am, and I'm totally fine with that. It doesn't mean that you can't put yourself out there. It doesn't mean that you can't build confidence.
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How I built the confidence to launch (as an introvert)
So now that we've dispelled that myth, just because you're an introvert doesn't mean you can't be confident. Now that we've dispelled that myth, I want to talk a little bit about how I became confident, how I built that confidence, how I got out from behind my laptop screen and started putting myself out there for launches. And you're probably not going to like the answer. The only way that I became confident was by doing, by taking action. You don't do things because you're confident. You build confidence by doing things. Waiting until you're more confident to take action is like waiting to be fit before you do your first workout or go for your first run. Or it's like saying that you'll cook more when you're a better cook. You don't get fit unless you do that first painful, sweaty workout. You don't become a better cook without making a few really questionable meals along the way.
You don't become confident at launching without getting out there and launching. Here's the secret, right? None of us with digital product businesses were confident at launching until we launched. And the more you do it, the more confident you become. I was chatting with two of my Launch Magic students who've been through the program twice and before they went through it that first time, they weren't feeling confident at all about launching. They had a tiny audience. They didn't know how to launch. The tech side of it all overwhelmed them.
They trusted the process. They implemented everything I taught them. They launched. They saw the results of their hard work. They launched again, feeling a little bit more confident. They doubled their results, and now they are actually looking forward to their next launch. They're excited about launching. They weren't confident. They've launched twice and now they are confident to the point where they look forward to launching.
So here's a question for you. If you're waiting to feel more confident before you launch, when will you be confident enough and where will you be in a year's time if you keep waiting to feel confident before you launch? Versus where will you be in a year's time if you face your fears and launch now? Maybe you'll build some confidence along the way. Maybe in a year's time, you will have also launched twice and be looking forward to launching, be excited about launching.
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