In my last two blogs I looked at 16 ways that you might be over-complicating your launches even if you don't realize that you are. You're only human, so chances are you probably actually are over-complicating your launches. I know I do as well. For me, it often shows up as procrastination, because if I can leave things to the last minute then they feel challenging, but it also gives me certainty over the outcome.
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Reasons why you are overcomplicating your launches
You self sabotage to stay in your comfort zone
It sounds really strange, but I have this really deep-seated fear of success. And by procrastinating things in my launches I get to guarantee that my launches aren't going to grow beyond what I can handle and I can stay in my comfort zone. So I kind of self-sabotage my launches to not be too successful by procrastinating parts of them.
So that's one of the ways that I over-complicate and it'll be really interesting for you to go through. And as you're reading this post, ask yourself, do I do this? Where do I over-complicate? Where am I a perfectionist? Where am I procrastinating? Because then that will start to give you awareness of what you're doing. And then once you have awareness of it it becomes a lot easier to change those habits, those patterns that you've created.
You need the challenge to feel “worthy” of success
For me, I love creating problems for myself. Right? It's weird, I know. But I love it because it feels challenging. It feels fun and it makes me feel worthy of success. It makes me feel worthy of being a “business owner”. Because I have this story in my mind that running a business has to be challenging, you have to work hard to be a business owner. So I couldn't possibly let it be easy, could I? Yeah. It's such a common one that's come up with friends, with people in my mastermind groups, with my students. We love to create problems for ourselves. Typically, as entrepreneurs, even if you don't identify as an entrepreneur, a business owner, whatever you want to call yourself, we love solving problems. We love a good challenge, that's what we thrive on. So it's only natural that we're going to go and create more for ourselves and make things much harder than they need to be.
Making things difficult feels familiar to you
Another reason why you might overcomplicate things is that it feels familiar to you. If you're used to everything always being really challenging and you're used to being in the state of overwhelm or uncertainty or any of those feelings that come up when you feel like you're over-complicating something, that feeling's familiar to you and you're going to keep doing that.
The reason why we self-sabotage in general is that our brains are wired to resist change even if it's something that we think we want. Our brain equates change with risk. Uncertainty doesn't mean survival, certainty does mean our survival. So our brain is operating from this place of “how can I keep them alive? How can I keep this person alive?” And the minute that you're like, oh, I'm going to do something different your brain is just like, nope, not interested. Even that good change feels really uncomfortable for your brain. So you're going to self-sabotage back to what feels comfortable until you become consciously aware of it and you can step in and tell your brain, like, nope, I'm in the driver's seat here.
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