When you’re creating a new service offering, you have to launch it into the world. When you’re bringing out a new product range, you have to launch it into the world. When you’re running a flash sale, you have to launch it somehow.
So, in this blog, I’m sharing why you can’t avoid launching forever.
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Why you can't avoid launching forever
When I first pivoted my business to focus on launching, I had a few listeners and followers reach out to tell me they’d no longer be following my business or listening to my podcast because launching wasn’t relevant to them.
Ummm, guys… Launching is relevant to EVERYONE who runs a business. It’s not just for people who are launching online courses or ebooks, or any of that jazz.
When you’re creating a new service offering, you have to launch it into the world. When you’re bringing out a new product range, you have to launch it into the world. When you’re running a flash sale, you have to launch it somehow.
So, I'm going to share with you why you can’t avoid launching forever.
(You might also like: What if I launch and no one buys?)
Your ideas impact NOBODY if they’re in your head
You can have the best idea that’s going to change the world and change people’s lives – but if it’s in your head, it’s not helping ANYONE. Sorry for the tough love.
To impact people, you first have to get this idea out of your head and make it a reality.
Imagine if the guy who started Uber had thought, oh I have this great idea for an app that will save people a ton of money on taxis, but it’s too hard so I’m not going to launch it.
Or, if Steve Jobs had thought, hey wouldn’t it be cool if people could carry their music around in their pockets. Oh but that’s too difficult, let’s just not make it. We’d probably still be listening to CDs.
(You might also like: 5 ways to simplify your next launch)
Launching helps you reach more people and IMPACT MORE PEOPLE
Bringing your idea to life is one thing, but launching it with a bang is what helps you to create buzz and in turn reach more people and then in turn impact more people.
The power of a launch is that it can grow your audience super quickly. It can position you as an authority really quickly (whether that’s you as a person or your brand), and it can bring in a nice big hit of cash – which you can then invest back into your business to grow it further and impact even more people.
Nobody knows about your product, service or business – unless you tell them
You might be tempted to just quietly release your product or service or business into the world and hope that the right people will find it.
You might tell yourself that you’re terrible at selling, so you’re going to avoid it.
But the thing is: Nobody will know about this incredible thing you’re launching, unless you actually TELL THEM.
I know that a lot of you believe that if you build it, they will come – and unfortunately this usually isn’t the case. And even if you do build it and they do come, it’ll be a far slower growth than if you were launching it loudly, creating buzz and growing your audience in the process.
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